the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
- Buddha - See more at: http://quotesnsmiles.com/quotes/calming-buddha-quotes/#sthash.PDrjO4pV.dpuf
"In the sky, there in no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true."- Buddha
the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
- Buddha - See more at: http://quotesnsmiles.com/quotes/calming-buddha-quotes/#sthash.PDrjO4pV.dpuf
the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
- Buddha - See more at: http://quotesnsmiles.com/quotes/calming-buddha-quotes/#sthash.PDrjO4pV.dpuf
the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
- Buddha - See more at: http://quotesnsmiles.com/quotes/calming-buddha-quotes/#sthash.PDrjO4pV.dpuf
the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
- Buddha - See more at: http://quotesnsmiles.com/quotes/calming-buddha-quotes/#sthash.PDrjO4pV.dpuf
Okay, here we go with the obligatory "end-of-year recap and what's on tap for next year" post. A quick summary would be that I either surprised myself with an unexpectedly strong performance or went down in a heap of smoking carnage. About 50/50. Having taken the last month off of running and giving myself some time away from a competitive mindset, I can say I am perfectly fine with a glass half full. The stuff that went into the glass is some dang good juice. I got to travel to some amazing places with some amazing people, run in some of the most beautiful places in the country, and had freakin' great time.
Even when things didn't turn out quite as I had envisioned, lessons were learned and good times were had. Except when things sucked, and that's okay. Sometimes you've gotta go through a lot of suck to get to the chewy nougat center of awesomeness, and usually you come out the other side a little wiser and a little stronger than before.
Looking back:
January: Spent two weeks on the island of Oahu in a lil' hut on the North Shore. Had one of those races where everything came together and managed to run under 24hrs at the HURT 100. Apparently slogging through the snow translates well to slogging through the jungle.
March: Dropped out of the Antelope Island Buffalo Run 100 at around 35 miles feeling flu-ish. Not much I could do about that one.
May: A quick trip to Virginia and a redemption run at the MMT 100. Managed a sub-24 with a 90 minute nap included. Sleep is important.
June: Made the yearly pilgrimage to Dayton, WY for the Bighorn 100. Things started off rough but sometimes it just takes a little while to warm up. Happy to be done in 21:10. Where the hell did that come from?
July: Made a run at an unsupported loop around the Hardrock 100 course. DNF. Stopped around 55 miles in. If I had it to do over again I'd probably take a little more time for naps and cookies. Sleep is important!
September: Another DNF at the Bear 100 just to even things out. Had some mechanical issues in my back and hip. 45 miles in and still on sub-24 pace when I dropped but I'll take a few more years of running over a glorious crippling any day.
The present:
Working on some rehab for my hip and making plans for.....
The future:
2014 is gonna be another burner! Plans on tap for now include (but not limited to): MMT 100 in May to see if I can make a loop without falling asleep, Bighorn 50 to keep in line with tradition, Ronda del Cims (because it's freakin' Andorra!) in July, and Tahoe 200 in September because it will be nothing short of epic!
And if I end up with a DNF somewhere along the way, that's okay. Anything is better than a DNS.